I call these giftbooks Friendship Books. They were published by C.R. Gibson from 1988 until 1998, when the company was sold. I’ve been surprised and pleased to receive emails about these giftbooks through the years as they have been out of print for so long. People always ask where can they buy them and tell me what the book meant to them. It’s heartful to hear their stories. I’ve republished the baby gift book myself as many readers asked when it would be reprinted…and explained they sent this book to every new parent! I’ve found a few of these classic gift books still noted on Amazon and have listed them.

This is one of Susan’s original watercolors. Her trademark look of a world alive in happy nature images, published on 100’s of gift products for all occasions, is available for licensing.
Out of Print
Everyday Gifts, 1998
When You Lose Someone You Love, 1997
A Wedding Wish, 1996
With Friends, 1992
I am one of the people who “collected” and gave your first books for every occasion possible. I was very upset when I could no longer purchase them anywhere. I would find one left in a store and grab it. I also loved your greeting cards. I am a “card” person who has a “card” drawer ready for anything. I am still holding on to a couple of your cards that I just can’t send on.
I rediscovered your book, When You Lose Someone You Love, at a gift shop in Venice, FL. I bought several and went back for more. I have a story about this book that I’d like to share with you. I gave your 1st edition of this book to a friend when she lost her Dad several years ago. When my Mother recently passed away, my friend “re-gifted” the book to me with a note added to my original one. I really like the original artwork, but I also like the beautiful, soft, watercolor work in your new version. You have reached many in this world with your art and your words. Thank you. Barb Morris
Barb M.